ISPCON: May 13 to 15
SynthaSite is exhibiting at the ISPCon in Chicago from May 13 to 15.

The conference is focused on what's working well in services and where the profitable business models will be in the next couple of years.  Given this goal, SynthaSite's a perfect fit.  We are where the market is going and the shared revenue model we've been discussing aligns the interests of SynthaSite and ISPs to deliver the best site building experience there is.

Vinny and Randy will be posting a running commentary on this page as often as we can during the conference and showing off as many photos of the conference as we can take with our little camera phones.

Here's a taste of the set up in the expo hall...

Check back later for more...

All Set Up and Ready to Go
The booth is set up and we're ready for the masses.  A whole hour in advance.  Sean can attest that things were a bit more hectic at the Web 2.0 conference.

Check out the booth.  Looks pretty sweet!

Having some Good Conversations
Was a bit of a slow start to the show but things have picked up in the past hour.  Chatted with 2 smaller ISPs who really like what we have to offer.  Also demoed the site to two journalists who want to write articles about us.  Already some good leads to follow up on next week.  These trade shows are pretty interesting.  You never really know what you're going to find.

Check out Vinny giving the pitch.

The Phattest Demo Video Ever
Check out the amazing demo video that Tracy and team developed for us with the help of a producer in Japan.  It looks even better on a widescreen monitor in HD.  Get Lisa or Tracy to download the HD version and check it out on the big screen TV in the office.

Day 2 - White Labeling Discussions
The crowds on the expo floor are a bit bigger today than yesterday and we've had continued interest in a white-label solution.  Folks are impressed with the product and excited about the chance to offer it to their subscribers.  We'll have a good sample of companies to follow up with in the next 2 weeks to explore the details of white-labeling.  This could be  a great channel for us.

Meeting Jonathan's Friends
Ran into a group of four South Africans who used to work with Jonathan.  They now work for Adept Internet and are one of the ISPs who's interested in the white-labeling.  Small world.

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